Features Positivity and Fulfillment Articles

Be part of Canada’s changes

Thinking ‘Up’

 The more you reach out to others for help and are willing to open yourself to new people and new situations, the easier…

Dare to Dream

 I’ve always wanted to work in journalism. In fact, when I was in high school, I even job shadowed at a local radio station.

It only gets better

Your job search is not a solitary effort. The more you reach out to others for help and are willing to open yourself to new people…

Rising to the top

Scott Baker knows a thing or two about the labour market. In his 26 years, the busy Sudburian has held nearly as many jobs.

Get your FREE Career Handbook

Get all these confidence-boosting job search tips in a handy E-zine that you’ll have with you when you need it, even if you’re offline. Download your FREE copy of DiversityCanada’s Employers Want YOU career handbook NOW. You’ll be be signed up for our newsletter packed with advice to help you land your dream job. (We will never sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time.)