When looking for a job, the best place to start is with companies that are looking for you. Many companies are now actively seeking to make their workforce more representative of the rich mixture of cultures and backgrounds in Canada today.
Employers in the public and private sector realize that hiring people of various cultures is not only the fair thing to do, but it makes great business sense. Businesses are finding they are better able to understand and relate with their increasingly diversified customer base if their own employees come from that diversified pool.
They also benefit from the injection of new ideas and new perspectives the employees from differing backgrounds can provide.
Companies want and need to provide equal opportunities for employment
Several larger companies that are regulated by or do business with the federal government are required by Canada’s Employment Equity legislation to hire jobseekers from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in the workforce. These groups include visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, women and people with disabilities.
According to Statistics Canada, if current immigration rates continue, it is possible that immigration could account for virtually all labour force growth by 2011.
Additionally, the Aboriginal community, with just over half its population under 25 years old, is the fastest growing demographic group in Canada, and will play a significant role in supplying Canada’s labour force. The DiversityCanada Foundation, publisher of this handbook, is a nonprofit organisation which works to link
jobseekers with employers looking to diversify.
We do so through resources like this handbook and the directory you’ll find in the following pages, and as well through our website, http://DiversityCanada.com.
DiversityCanada.com caters for jobseekers in traditionally underrepresented groups. Into its third year online, the site provides users with a revolutionary new approach to finding jobs. First, it features jobs from only employers who are equal opportunity employers and are seeking to hire people of diverse backgrounds
and abilities. This way, you can be confident that every employer you find on our site has a welcome mat for you.
Finding the perfect job for you with DiversityCanada’s job search engine
Second, the website DiversityCanada.com provides you with a real “jobs search engine”, that is a site that functions like the popular search sites Google, Yahoo and MSN. The difference is that when you enter a search term at DiversityCanada.com, the results will take you only to the websites of employers who are looking
to diversify. There are never any irrelevant results from websites that have nothing to do with employment for Canadians.
Apart from searching jobs, you can post your resume at our website DiversityCanada.com so employers can find you. DiversityCanada has also linked up with its partner company, Maplejobs Inc (found online at http://maplejobs.com), to provide you with a free e-mail account which you can use to send out job applications.
All services at DiversityCanada.com are free of charge to you. Canada is changing. There are extraordinary opportunities today for anyone who wants to get ahead. Claim your place too.
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