Career Centre Employment Equity Opportunities in Canada
Up your job search game

Assessing and planning
You know it. It’s time for a new career. Whether you’ve only recently decided to find a new occupation or you’ve been casually hunting for years, it’s time to take action…

Oh where can my new job be?
Ever since the digital revolution took root in the 1990s, job-hunters have been speeding down the information superhighway in search..

No connections? No problem
Networking plays an important part in the job search. But if you don’t know anyone in your industry of choice there are still ways to gain a competitive…

Crafting the perfect resume
The resume or curriculum vitae is a crucial document. It’s a one-page encapsulation of who you are, what you’ve done…

Should you self-identify?
Many companies today are making a concerted effort to include in their workforce people who have been traditionally under-represented.

Keeping your cover letter in check
A good cover letter can say volumes about who you are and what you want – if you let it.Â

What the career experts say
The company has expressed interest in you, and you are flattered and proud. As the interview date draws closer, however, excitement morphs…

What to do after the interview
If you don’t follow up on your meeting, you run the risk of seeming indifferent or, even worse, uninterested in the company…

What the employers say
It may seem insignificant, but your shirt or skirt, your tie or lack of one can cost you a job. That’s the word from over 100 hiring managers and Human Resource…

Shining on the job
The Golden Phone Call. It’s the moment every job hunter waits for. Finally, your long and detailed journey has culminated in success. You’ve been offered a job.Â

Handling first day jitters
Nearly every new employee is nervous on the first day of work. It’s natural. You’re starting a fresh career in an unfamiliar setting, and you naturally want to do well.

What employers are looking for
Who better to advise you what to do on your first days than people who have experience dealing with new employees?…

Be a class act on the job
As you settle into your new job, you will find that your workplace has it own particular dynamic. You may find that you click with your colleagues right away and that your boss is as approachable…

Finding your rhythm and balance
While it may be tempting to focus entirely on fitting into your new work environment, it’s important not to lose sight of your personal goals. Your new job…

Leave ’em smiling
Jobs are a lot like relationships. Sometimes, it just comes time to break it off. Perhaps your financial responsibilities have increased and you need a higher salary. Maybe your work environment has…

Blazing your own trail
The conventional job route isn’t for everyone. In today’s diverse economy, the nine-to-five corporate structure doesn’t always jive with…

Helping youth help themselves
One particularly noteworthy possibility for individuals between 18 and 34 years of age is the…

Thinking ‘Up’
 The more you reach out to others for help and are willing to open yourself to new people and new situations, the easier…

Dare to Dream
 I’ve always wanted to work in journalism. In fact, when I was in high school, I even job shadowed at a local radio station.

Employers who want YOU
Many companies are now actively seeking to make their workforce more representative of the rich mixture of cultures.

Scanning the Canadian job scene
Canadian unemployment rate in November, 2005,the lowest the figure has been in three. Percentag.

Embracing diversity as strength
Eva Vanek saw a need to support diversity in her community, she didn’t wait for someone else to do something about it. Instead, she rolled up her sleeves….

Editor's Letter
Diversity is in my blood — literally. Born of a mother whose ancestors came from Africa and of a father whose ancestors came from India, I feel privileged to be so personally acquainted with the issue.

Chris Cyr has worked in graphic arts for many years. Passionate about the use of computers to create art, he is enrolled in the highly acclaimed School of Animation Arts…

Obstacles are no match for a winning smile
I’ve stood at a new junction in life, facing an uncertain future with little but my pride and determination to rely on.

Why not consider life in the North?
W hen I tell people where in Canada I call home, I usually get a quizzical look, and then comes the inevitable question…

Youth Speak
“The U of T ‘extern’ program helped me find a volunteer position with a social worker in Toronto, at a rehab hospital. I found the experience both enriching and educational…

Choosing the North
Travis Morgan is 21 years old. He lives in Whitefish, near Sudbury, and has done so since he was two years old.

My Career Path
Use the worksheets on these pages to help you identify where you want to go in your career and to keep you on track..Â

The year the North chose me
In the summer of 2004, I was far from confident in my career trajectory. I’d just spent four years and a lot of money  on …

Rising to the top
Scott Baker knows a thing or two about the labour market. In his 26 years, the busy Sudburian…

Dressing for success
A suit is the ideal attire for a business interview. At the very least, a woman must…

It only gets better
Your job search is not a solitary effort. The more you reach out to others for help and are willing to open yourself to new people…
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